Saturday, December 11, 2010
i am still here...
The next day I had Mathilda's in Lane Cove. Even though it wasn't as busy as last year's Christmas market, it was still a great day.
I am going to be at Bondi tomorrow so hopefully we will have great weather as it is only two weeks until Christmas. I am hoping that people will favour handmade over the crazy busy malls.
I have quite a few things planned (crafty stuff) for the holidays so when I have a spare moment I will share with you all :)
Back soon...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A ridiculous amount of people
Didn't bring a camera so I don't have any photos from the day. I did bring the camera on the Sunday though when Liam, Freya and I (hubby was working) went down to Bondi to check out Sculptures by the sea. I just could not believe the amount of people around. I don't love crowds...
We walked for about an hour or so but it was impossible to see all of them as you just had to move with the crowds, no chance to slow down or stop if you saw something you liked. Liam and Freya took turns with the camera when they saw something they liked. Here are a few of them.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Third time lucky!
If you live near or in the area you should come and check it out. I think there are close to 300 stalls - with everything you can imagine.
Avalon Market
Saturday 6 November
Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Parade and Dunbar Park.
Here are a couple of the things that I will be bringing. Hopefully I will see you there!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tutorial and comments left on my blog
Now to the topic of comments. I have recently come to realise that my replies to your comments don't reach you. I am not sure what is happening but if you have left a comment for me in the last couple of months and not received a reply from me, it's not because I didn't reply. I have replied to every comment that has been left for me. I am trying to see if there is something in the settings that I need to change, but I never changed anything and it used to work. If someone has had the same problem please email me and let me know how you solved it.
Button bracelet tutorial
Say it with buttons! I understand that not everyone has these things laying around the house. If you check out (or .com) and and search for button blanks (I used size 24) and link bracelet blanks, you too will be able to make these fab button bracelets at home. After trying a few different glues I have found that hot glue works best (in my opinion).
I realise that I should have had a manicure before my hubby took these photos, so sorry about the monster fingers…
Monday, October 18, 2010
Simply Christmas
I am doing a guest post on Wednesday at Shabby Art Boutique. Kerryanne says "This year I’m going back to basics and preparing for a simple ‘old fashioned Christmas’ and I'm putting the homemade and home baked back into the season."
I decided to jump onboard with a tutorial for an inexpensive Christmas gift - head over on Wednesday to see what it is :)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Ursula the flying unicorn
"Ursula The Flying Unicorn celebrates every child’s need to dream. It takes the child’s imagination into another world. Think of the fun it would be to have a pet that could help with cooking or gardening and can fly you to any place you like by riding on her magical wings.
Children can easily relate to the characters in this book, simply as they too are involved in various day-to-day activities as those outlined, but with the added joy of having a pet unicorn by their side. Ursula The Flying Unicorn helps the child familiarize the days of the week and also helps to understand the meaning of words used to describe the events of each day."
I have a few of the pages for you to check out below!
The author is Carmel Prasad and as she is brand new she hasn't got a blog or a website yet but you can contact her here and you can also buy her book on ebay.
If you woud like to meet her in person and get a signed copy you should head down to the Bondi Junction Village Market on Saturday (Waverley Council is hosting a "Play Day in the Mall" which will host activities and fun for parents and kids) where she will be selling copies of her book. I will be there as well so come and say hi :)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Thank you Canberra
I will definitely be back so I will see you all at the next one in December. I was going to walk around and take pictures of other stalls and chat to stall holders but it was crazy from the beginning so unfortunately I ran out of time. The only pics I have is from my own stall!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Today's photo shoot :)

Friday, August 13, 2010
The tiniest little sneak peak
I haven't been blogging much but have been super busy working on a new something (sneak peak below). I want to say thank you to all the lovely people that i met at Mathilda's last weekend. I had a wonderful time. My gorgeous son was there with me as always and he is such a great help. Thank you Liam!
Thank you to everyone that has been emailing me asking about products (as my shop is painfully empty) I am now going to spend the next couple of days adding things. You can of course still email me regarding sizes etc.
Ok, back to work :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Same dress - 30 years apart

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My Canberra trip

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Mathilda's in Canberra
Very excited to be going to Canberra in a week and a half. I have never attended a market there so hopefully it will be great. I am also super excited to be visiting Shop Handmade for the first time. I always oogle over all the photos and oh-ing and ah-ing over all the handmade goodness.
I will be bringing a few new things to the market. I have made kaftans in a few new fabrics and some new tunic dresses and skirts with matching shirts. If you are in or near Canberra please come to Mathilda's market and have a look as I know for a fact that there is going to be heaps of gorgeous things for sale.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Shop Handmade - big YAY!
I can't wait to visit in June!
Courtesy of the absolutely lovely, lovely, lovely Jennie from Posie Patchwork, I have some great photos to show you below. Thank you so much Jennie for taking them, I really appreciate it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I don't just sew...
Anyway, the reason that I am rambling on about this now is that the lovely Virginia over at Mum/Toddler/Babe is having a one year blog-iversary giveaway - and my cards are in the mix of goodies! Head over to her blog for a chance to win some gorgeous things :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
What a wonderful day!

I was very spoilt today for Mother's Day and my lovely children made me some gorgeous cards.

I hope you too had a great day being suitably spoilt :)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Mathilda's wrap up

Monday, April 26, 2010
Mathilda's coming up... busy, busy, busy...
This time around I have had help making some of my dresses so I am super excited about being able to bring lots of them to Mathilda's. Sneek peek below..
I have also managed to get just a little bit more of this gorgeous out of print Amy Butler fabric and have made just four dresses (size 2, 3, 4 and 6). I know they are very sought after (sold all of mine VERY quickly and have lots of enquiries about them) so if you want one, make sure you are there early! Here it is...

See you on Sunday!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
...better late than never :)
Not to be outdone (hehe) I have included a photo of my daughter wearing hers with one of the other fabrics that I use.

Thursday, April 8, 2010
How gorgeous is this...
If you are going to the markets on Sunday come and say hi - i'll be there! Unless the weather is terrible...