Saturday, December 11, 2010

i am still here...

Even though I have been slack with the blog I have been superbusy everywhere else. I did the Canberra Handmade market which was 'just nuts'. So much fun and crazy busy. Again, met loads of lovely people. Both customers and other stall holders.

The next day I had Mathilda's in Lane Cove. Even though it wasn't as busy as last year's Christmas market, it was still a great day.

I am going to be at Bondi tomorrow so hopefully we will have great weather as it is only two weeks until Christmas. I am hoping that people will favour handmade over the crazy busy malls.

I have quite a few things planned (crafty stuff) for the holidays so when I have a spare moment I will share with you all :)

Back soon...

1 comment:

  1. So great to see you down in Canberra again, love your happy face. Must chat dieting strategies for the new year, we can be cyber buddies. Congratulations on market success, love Posie
