I was going to put a photo of me and my son here but I looked just too...not sure what but not good, lol. Instead here's a pic of my beautiful son, he was such an amazing help on the day. I was having trouble getting a signal for my eftpos machine a few times and when it was declined my son went outside the building with the customer and it worked. He loves helping out and I love getting the help :)

Thank you everyone that came by and said hi, and to everyone that bought something, I hope you love it! This time I didn't have time to walk around to say hi to everyone. I got there really late and was not set up until just before 9am. I managed a quick hello to
Rebecca and
Wynona before the market started. Then I had Virginia from
mum/toddler/babe come by and say hi, which was lovely (I love meeting the people behind the blogs) as well as
Sarah for a superquick chat. I hope I haven't missed anyone, it was pretty hectic on the day.
I made just a couple of purchases because i didn't have time to check out all the goodies. We bought two Sweetie Petite doll kits from
Lisa and one of them will be going to a good home on Sunday - my son is going to a friend's birthday party.