Sarah from Gifts Created was there, we have been at a few markets together now. She had her fabulous new tree displaying all her gorgeous stuff.
Siobhann is another lovely stall holder that I have also been to a few markets with. She has really funky boys stuff. Her label is called Young Rockers. She doesn't have a website but if you want to contact her you can email her here!
After chasing Wynona down at someone else's table we had a bit of a catch up which was nice. I had to get in on the photo action and I also managed to get a photo of Mr Ivy Designs! The only purchase that I did on the day was from Ivy and I will show you as soon as I get my camera working.
Another stall holder without a website that i keep popping into is Alicia. She makes adorable wall art for children. You can contact her here.
I also met someone new (for me anyway) that I had a bit of a chat with, Vanessa from gelati art, who makes lovely decor for boys and girls.
hahaha just saw this! look at mr ivy designs - he looks bored! it was lovely to see you x